I had a friend that asked me to help her lose weight. She was about 60 pounds overweight and it was negatively impacting her health in several different ways. We went through everything…physical, emotional, spiritual, food, activity. You name it, we talked about it. It ends up that the one, glaring item that would lead to the largest positive impact on her weight was reducing her consumption of sugared soft drinks.
She admitted to me that she drank about 6 Cokes per day. I recall hearing quite a while ago that if a person drinks one sugared soft drink per day, that will lead to a weight gain of 10 pounds over the course of a year. Her 6 Cokes accounted for the extra 60 pounds she was carrying. That single item, if deleted, would lead to the complete loss of those 60 pounds over the course of a year, assuming of course that she didn’t change anything else.
She was not really willing to stop drinking them. She hated diet soft drinks, was not so keen on water or iced tea, or really anything else I tried suggesting. In the end, what I suggested was that she start buying the half-size cans. She could still drink 6 per day, but in a half glass that was “full”. She actually did it for a few months and took off 8-10 pounds, but in the end, she went back to drinking all six, full size Cokes.
I’m sharing this story so that you will know that sometimes there is a single thing that, if you can find an alternative that is healthier and for which you are completely neutral emotionally, and you stick to it long enough to reap the benefit of the change, you can make a BIG impact on your weight loss goals. For my colleague Bob, he simply stopped putting sugar in his coffee. He drank about 12 cups per day and put 3-4 teaspoons in each cup. After a year of drinking black coffee, and changing nothing else, he lost close to 40 pounds!
One does not need to turn their life upside down, prepare complex menu plans, and be hungry all the time. Sometimes it’s something really obvious and simple. For me, I like dessert at the end of the day. It ends up that, for me, having 2 dark chocolates at the end of the day is every bit as satisfying as a piece of cake or pie. It’s a healthy trade off that allows me to keep my weight right where I want it.
Perhaps now is the time for you to pick one thing, just one POWERFUL change, and then let it run for 3 to 6 months to see how your weight might change. You may be very pleasantly surprised!